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Did you know that Andreas has produced an English video course on streptococcinum together with the Gkücksknirpsen?

Thank you for your interest in Streptococcinum-Tilch!
Here you can watch the videos!
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Expansion of energy field - Interview with Andreas & David

This is an interview in English with an American coach who reports an amazing change in his experience over the last one and a half years that he and his wife have taken Streptokkokinum-Tilch in all potencies. David Norris shares in a clear and wonderful way the essence of the “unspectacular spectacular” positive influence of the remedy on human beings.

Recording of the live interview with Andreas & Sarah in English

The Australian homeopath Sarah Valentini had seen astonishing results with Streptococcinum Tilch in children’s cases of PANDAS and PANS, which are Streptococcus pyogenes associated neuropsychiatric disorders. Sarah asked Andreas to share with her more information about his experiences with this remedy. As Andreas’ book was (and still is) not yet available in English, and also no other English video recordings are available so far, Andreas suggested to record the conversation between Sarah and him. It took place on 30th March 2023. This website was created in order to make this video-conversation accessable for English speaking homeopaths, and to those who are interested in this new, fascinating broad spectrum homeopathic remedy. wouldn’t exist without Sarah’s initiative. Big thank you, Sarah!

Recording of the live webinar with Andreas Tilch, Gabi Schörk and KIKI from the Glücksknirpse with English Translation

The German homoeopathic practicioner Gabi Schörk had seen very good results with Streptococcinum Tilch in many patients, and had experienced deep transformation also in her own case. Full of enthusiasm she spread the word about this remedy in the online community “Glücksknirpse”, together with KIKI and Christian. In January 2023 she founded a Telegram chat group, in which around 2.500 participants could share their experiences with Streptococcinum-Tilch with each other. In February 2023 a live webinar was organised on the Glücksknirpse-platform, in which the participants could put their questions to Andreas directly. As some of the participants had already read Andreas’ book, but others not, Andreas first quickly summarized his story with Streptococcinum, and then answered questions. After he had decided to create this website, Gabi, KIKI and Christian contributed this English translation of the recording of the February webinar. Big thank you Gabi, KIKI and Christian!

Disclaimer and general information on medical topics
The content presented here is for neutral information and general education purposes only. They do not constitute a recommendation or advertisement of the diagnostic methods, treatments or drugs described or mentioned. The text does not claim to be complete, nor can the timeliness, accuracy and balance of the information presented be guaranteed. The text is in no way a substitute for professional advice from a physician or pharmacist, and it should not be used as a basis for independent diagnosis and initiation, modification, or termination of treatment of any disease. Always consult a doctor in case of health questions or complaints! The author assumes no liability for any inconvenience or damage resulting from the use of the information presented here.

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